Tag Archives: alternate reality game

Creepaway Camp 2023 – Day 6: Jacob’s Revenge & The Forest of Three

A coming-of-age take on legend tripping at Ong’s Hat and some other mystery stories for your enjoyment.

PAGE LINK: https://shows.acast.com/creepy-1/episodes/creepaway-camp-2023-day-6-jacobs-revenge-the-forest-of-three

Jacob’s Revenge

Written and narrated by Owen McCuen

The Forest of Three

Link: https://creepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/The_Forest_of_Three

Written by: Cdaley and Narrated by: JV Hampton-VanSant


Check out our reward tiers at patreon.com/creepypod

Sound Design by Pacific Obadiah

Title music by Alex Aldea

The Incunabula Papers | Decoder Ring

Ong’s Hat, or The Incunabula Papers, is a conspiracy theory that arose on the early internet. Combining cutting-edge science, mysticism, and obvious hokum, it intrigued thousands of people who tried to find out what it all meant. Today we uncover the secrets of Ong’s Hat, the man behind it, and the new art form it inadvertently birthed.

The mystery of Ong’s Hat and what it revealed!

In this video, we explore the fascinating story of the Ong’s Hat deception and what it can teach us about the intersection of AI and urban myths. From its origins as a mysterious online forum to its enduring legacy as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked technological progress, the Ong’s Hat story is a gripping and thought-provoking case study in the power of storytelling and the perils of misinformation.

La conspiración de Ong’s Hat: Cómo el primer juego de realidad alternativa terminó inspirando a Halo 2 y otros grandes títulos

Hacemos un repaso de las mejores campañas de marketing transmedia en el videojuego, así como sus orígenes en Internet.

LINK: https://www.3djuegos.com/juegos/halo-2/noticias/conspiracion-ongs-hat-como-primer-juego-realidad-alternativa-termino-inspirando-a-halo-2-otros-grandes-titulos

Ong’s Hat: Eggheads, Gov’t Shills, & The Internet’s First Hoax | 323

Ever start telling a story as a joke and it gets out of hand? People believe it no matter how much you swear you made it up and try to destroy your life? No, just Joseph Matheny? This week we tackle Ong’s Hat, the internets first honest to goodness hoax that took on a life of its own and to this day has people believing it is all true. They also believe the man claiming responsibility is just a government shill planted to throw us off the truth. And the story has everything: Weird religious cults, quantum physics, dimensional travel, hidden laboratories, luxurious silk top hats, carpet salesmen… We are banging on all cylinders! All that and more this week on the podcast that knows a thing or two about other dimensions… at least the Lower 4th Dimension… Hysteria 51! LINK TO SHOW

‘Vanishing’ Towns That May (Or May Not) Have Really Existed

Did Scientists In Ong’s Hat, NJ, Burrow Into Another Dimension?

Near where New Jersey Route 72 intersects with Route 70, there’s little left to mark what was once a small town called Ong’s Hat – but it was, in fact, really there. You can find evidence of its history in things like a local street called Ong’s Hat Road.

Depending on who you ask, it may have once been a bustling town, or nothing more than a stopover point for a farmer with the surname Ong who was transporting goods from Little Egg Harbor to Burlington. Midway between, the farmer built a hut where he could spend the night, and over time, Ong’s Hut became Ong’s Hat.

Whatever the case may be, the town (if ever was one) is no longer there, but it left its mark. In fact, there’s an online conspiracy theory suggesting the town is gone because it’s in another dimension. But if that’s not the case, where did the story come from?

The answer lies in a sort of alternate reality game (ARG) or a work of meta-fiction created by Joseph Matheny, among others, on early BBS sites and other places during the internet’s early years. The story suggested that some Princeton scientists working in Ong’s Hat had found a way to reach another dimension and, ultimately, took themselves and their studies to this alternate Earth. Alternatively, the government wiped them out to keep their discoveries quiet.

If it is, in fact, widely known that this story of inter-dimensional scientists is fiction, why would people still believe it? Because, according to conspiracy theorists, its creators supposedly had to pretend it was fiction in order to protect themselves from the government.

LINK: https://www.ranker.com/list/disappearing-places-urban-legend/orrin-grey