Alternate Reality Game, Incunabula, Joseph Matheny, Multiverse, Ong's Hat What is Ong’s Hat, and why is it so important to interdimensional travel? July 25, 2022 admin Ong’s Hat was once a small town in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. However, in the 1990’s, rumors began to pop up about chaos theory and interdimensional travel via depravation tanks. The JTO tries to replicate the experiment. Portal in Ong’s Hat, A Story of Interdimensional Travel and Ong’s Hat Science Camp CollectionsDateNovember 3, 2023In relation toAlternate Reality GameThe Rebel Podcast: Episode 232: Ong’s Hat (The”Fake” Town)DateOctober 17, 2024In relation toAlternate Reality Game11th Hour Audio – Creature Feature of the Month – Jacob’s RevengeDateAugust 11, 2023In relation toAlternate Reality Game