Ong’s Hat was once a small town in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. However, in the 1990’s, rumors began to pop up about chaos theory and interdimensional travel via depravation tanks. The JTO tries to replicate the experiment.
Tag Archives: ong’s hat
The Pine Barrens: New Jersey’s weird, wondrous, wild world all its own
Is there a portal in the Pines? In his 1936 book, “Forgotten Towns of Southern New Jersey,” Henry Charlton Beck calls Ong’s Hat a “vanished town of murder, of prize fights and of isolated country dances,” a place that “a hundred or so years ago, we were told … was a center of life among the Pineys,” with “brawls and fisticuffs, some of them bloody enough.” While the book outlines Ong’s Hat’s somewhat sketchy origins, including how the ghost town got its unique name, there’s another, more mysterious narrative. WeirdNJ, the indispensable guide to all things strange and unusual about our great state, dove into Ong’s Hat’s paranormal possibilities in a post entitled “Ong’s Hat: Piney Ghost Town or Gateway to Another Dimension?” Drawing on a book by Joseph Matheny, “Ong’s Hat: The Beginning,” WeirdNJ tells the story of a 1950s quasi-church/sect and one of its “travelers,” Wali Fard. According to their tale, Fard bought 200 acres in the Pine Barrens and, joined by “a group of runaway boys from Paramus and two lesbian anarchists,” he formed his own breakaway sect, publishing newsletters and drawing the attention of a pair of Texas twins and UFO enthusiasts, Frank and Althea Dobbs. The pair, rejected from Princeton after submitting a PhD thesis on “cognitive chaos,” believed people could tap into the unused portions of their brains to perform extraordinary tasks, including halting the aging process; the sect formed the Institute of Chaos Studies. WeirdNJ’s post says that within a couple of years, the Dobbs twins discovered “the Egg,” a device they used to chart brain waves. Experimenting with mind manipulation, they believed they could “control the chaos they found within the mind,” the post says. But one version of “the Egg” appeared to open a portal to another dimension, opening “the Gate.” And when a chemical spill from nearby Fort Dix (now called Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst) forced them to abandon the Pines, they did so not physically, but “inter-dimensionally.” “In this dimension,” WeirdNJ writes, “they still lived in Ong’s Hat, but humankind did not exist.” So, is Matheny’s book fact or fiction? According to WeirdNJ, the author isn’t saying, so you’ll have to decide that one for yourself.
Center your Schizowave (An interview w Joseph Matheny)
I first learned about Ong’s Hat from Bradley Sands, bizarro fiction writer extraordinaire, back in the late 90s. Hearing the story of paranormal activity happening in a New Jersey ghost town reminded me of other conspiracy theories involving the tri-state area and travelling through space and/or dimensions-like the Montauk Project and the Philadelphia experiment, which I found intriguing at the time. Later, I heard about how groups of people were venturing to Ong’s Hat in search of the secret magical remnants of a secret village of inter-dimensional time-travelling ex-Princeton professors.
Ong’s Hat was alive. It was so because of the active participation of its readers. It had become an urban myth where “legend trippers,” searching for a fun and free night of entertainment, went to the place and then by added interpretations of the everything on the Ong’s Hat internet forum. The story’s enigmatic quality and its exoteric insistence that it was true and not a fiction fantasy made it that more much engaging. However, as you will read, Matheny watched as groups of anonymous people swooped into the forum and attempted to high jack the story he created.
As you will read, it wasn’t just the plot of Ong’s Hat that made it so engaging. It was also the structure. Ong’s Hat is the original alternative reality game. As such it laid the tracks and created the foundation for many of the ARG’s that came after. For those still making sense of and deconstructing the destructive quality of QAnon, which looks to me like a propaganda campaign representing as a distorted and schizophrenic alternative reality game, Matheny’s insights offer a way out of the angry confusion.
Interdimensional Travel and the Legend of Ong’s Hat
Mad Tower Radio #8: Pentagon UFOs, Origins of the Rake, & Ong’s Hat, NJ
We cover the new insight on UFO’s given out to the public recently, learn about a popular creepy pasta beast and discover a sweet little spot nestled in southern New Jersey’
Information Golem: New Mini-Series from TOOWi Arts about Joseph Matheny and Origins of the Ong’s Hat ARG
The Origin Story of Joseph Matheny and the Ong’s Hat ARG
Information Golem -Chapter One
INFO An artist struggles to manage the chaos unleashed by the world’s first ARG “Ong’s Hat.” Chapter One – “Born To Be Weird” Books, punk, drugs, HAM radio, and “The family weirdos” inspire Joseph on his way to the mystical encounter that inspired Ong’s Hat. *Listen loudly or with headphones* #1970s, #1980s, #ghoststory, #hamradio, #josephmatheny, #ongshat, #psychedelics, #punkrock, #truestoriesInformation Golem – Chapter Two
INFO Chapter Two – “My Name is Emory” Joseph Matheny gets plugged into California’s countercultural elite and enlists the help of some greats. Steeped in tech, drugs, and San Fran’s rave scene, the project takes off with the 90’s internet boom. True weirdness unfolds when a person claiming to be a character Joseph invented for the Ong’s Hat game appears. *Listen loudly or with headphones* Visit or for more info #josephmatheny, #mysteries, #ongshat, #robertantonwilson, #true, #truemysteryInformation Golem – Bonus Scene
“Super Odds” – Joseph Matheny reflects on “LSD-Day,” a 1993 Bicycle Day celebration where his path crossed with comic book legend Grant Morrison. *Listen loudly or with headphones* More info @ or #bicycleday, #coincidence, #grantmorrison, #josephmatheny, #magick, #supergods, #truemysteryIncydent w Ong’s Hat
Death of a Moor
Dr. Jabir has recently written a eulogy titled, “Death of a Moor” and published it on his Quantum Tantra site.
Peter Lamborn Wilson is dead.
Peter Lamborn Wilson was a prolific, controversial writer and researcher into the lives and beliefs of mavericks, misfits, hobos, punks and heretics. He is best-known for his coinage of the term Temporary Autonomous Zone or TAZ which can be applied to any spontaneous association of free people from Burning Man to improv dancing, especially those gatherings which maximize what Wilson liked to call “ontological anarchy”.
As an Ontological Anarchist, Peter necessarily acquired an unusual resume’. Educated at Columbia, Wilson left New York in 1968 for a spiritual “Journey to the East” across the Islamic world from Morocco to Katmandu, seeking wisdom and teachers in tea houses, palaces and opium dens and settling finally in Tehran, where his presence coincided with Empress Farah Pahlavi’s desire to spread Iranian culture into the West. At the Iranian Academy of Philosophy, Wilson was put in charge of English publication where he was able to translate the works of famous Islamic philosophers and poets, for instance (my favorite) The Drunken Universe: An Anthology of Persian Sufi Poetry with Nasrollah Pourjavady.
Wilson’s academic tenure in Tehran was cut short in 1979 by the Iranian Revolution in which the Shah and his wife were replaced by the Ayatollah Khomeini (a minor poet himself in the tradition of Khayyam and Hafiz).
Back in New York, Wilson aligned himself with various fringe organizations among which was the Moorish Orthodox Church of America which Wikipedia describes as “a syncretic, non-exclusive, and religious anarchist movement originally founded in New York City in 1965 and part of the burgeoning psychedelic church movement of the mid to late 1960’s in the United States.” MOCA traces its lineage back to a black Chicago religious leader from the 1920’s, Noble Drew Ali, whom the Black Muslims also claim as their founder. More detailed information concerning this “religious anarchist movement” can be found on the web at the Moorish Orthodox Information Kiosk or in Wilson’s own Sacred Drift: Essays on the Margins of Islam published by City Lights in San Francisco.
Wilson obituaries have appeared in such wide-ranging venues as The Global Ganja Report and the New York Times (!) so I will not repeat here what others have written but instead publish a brief account of how this ontological anarchist affected my own life.
In the early 80’s computers were just beginning to enter our lives. Instead the photocopier gave rise to a web-like phenomenon called “zines”, short for “magazines” in which anyone with a few dollars for stamps and access to a Xerox machine could become their own publisher. The quality of zines ranged from semi-professional to unreadable but what they all had in common was quirky originality and instant access to off-beat topics. I cannot locate in my records the zine in which I first encountered the writings of Peter Lamborn Wilson but it might have been Popular Reality which one archivist described as “distinguishing itself as an open forum for the most unpopular of opinions.”
Connecting via one of the zines of that era Peter and I began a letter exchange concerning the Moorish Orthodox Church and he invited me to come visit him in New York should opportunity arise. So in the spring of 1986 on some errand involving physics and publishing I met the man himself in his third floor apartment on West 107th St just a few blocks from the Nicholas Roerich Museum.
Wilson lived in a rat’s warren of books, papers and unusual objects from his Islamic travels, the centerpiece of which was an old mechanical Remington typewriter on which he composed his voluminous works, He seemed to have a dislike for computers and never quite moved into the digital age. Over a few tokes of crumbly hashish he regaled me with tales from his travels and invited me to become a member of the Moorish Church. It is customary to take an Islamic name and I knew nothing of that faith. Wilson’s own Moorish name was “Hakim Bey” and several of his books, articles and performances appear under that name. “Well, you could do worse, Nick, than “Jabir”, the 9th Century Islamic alchemist.”
So Jabir it was. To which I later added “‘abd al-Khaliq”, designating myself as servant of one of the 99 names of God. A few weeks later I received from Hakim Bey a photocopied diploma certifying my new rank as “Adept of the Seventh Heaven.”
My first substantial adventure with the Moorish Orthodox Chuch was the Antarctic Astral Projection Project. On the night separating August from September 1987, various individuals would attempt by any means at their command to astrally project themselves to a location on the Antarctic continent aptly named “Cape Longing”. We would dutifully record our impressions which would then be collected and published in the zinosphere as part of the Akashic Records, one more fanciful account of the spiritual strivings of the human race. Doctor Jabir decided to go there as Mandrake the Magician and fancied the trip as a conclave of other fictional magician/scientists observing and producing new physical, mental and spiritual phenomena in the exotic low-temperature environment not far from the Earth’s South magnetic pole. As I recall music and dancing girls were involved as well as a spectacular display of the best Southern Lights that my human imagination could produce.
Another Moorish adventure as Doctor Jabir, this time in real space, was the Temporary Autonomous Zone San Francisco performance in 1993 organized and produced by the legendary Joseph Matheny. The site of TAZ SF was Komotion International, an art and performance space in San Francisco’s Mission district. This event featured a dozen or so performers, both male and female, some of whom mingled with the audience. Hakim Bey himself was one of the stars and calmly lectured on some obscure feature of Ontological Anarchy. Most of us were attempting to be as outrageous as possible but Bey trumped us all by affecting an utterly conventional academic normality in an ocean of freaks. Jabir read some of his newest quantum tantric poetry, Robert Anton Wilson shared some of his latest provocative prose. Circus acts and dances followed and there was some sort of bondage scene going on that I had helped to prepare back stage.
MOCA produced at odd intervals the Moorish Science Monitor to which I sometimes contributed. And once I was a guest along with Robert Anton Wilson on the Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade, an after midnight series hosted by Hakim Bey on New York’s independent radio station WBAI.
Back in Boulder Creek I often enjoyed co-hosting our long running series of poetry readings with fellow Moor Omar abu Khan (aka Ed Cramer). But all in all, Doctor Jabir achieved the height of his Moorish identity in the call for Tantric Jihad which he has performed in venues as various as house warmings and Esalen Institute,
Jabir ‘abd al-Khaliq declares Tantric Jihad |
Scary Clown Attacks While Weee are Searching for a Portal to Another Dimension – WeeeClown Around
Weee are on a road trip to Ong’s Hat, New Jersey to check out some local legends and mysteries when we are attacked by a Scary Clown. Ong’s Hat is surrounded by multiple legends including one of the oldest legends on the internet. The most intriguing mystery has to do with a mysterious cult, an abandoned town, and a portal to another dimension. Weee are searching for this portal to another dimension when we encounter a creepy clown in the woods. We have to traverse swamp land to get away from this scary clown. Will we also find ourselves lost in this inter-dimensional portal?
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