Tag Archives: joseph matheny
JOHN TITOR: Soldier from the Future | Can this time traveler save us from destruction? (The Matheny/Ongs Hat Connection)
A rundown of the John Titor legend from one of my favorite Youtube Channels The Why Files. The part about yours truly starts at 23:42 or just watch the entire piece (recommended). As far as the veracity of this claim? I plead the fifth.
ONG’S HAT and the construction of a suspicious model reader Hortus Semioticus 9/2022 – 07
ONG’S HAT and the construction of a suspicious model reader Jorge Flores
[PDF] Abstract. In the late 1980s, an art collective led by writer Joseph Matheny created a multimedia narrative eventually known as Ong’s Hat about a supposed group of scientists who had achieved interdimensional travel and a subsequent persecution and concealment by of a dark conspiracy. Unfolded through printed documents sent by post, BBS (bulletin board systems) and later blogs, videos and radio, the Ong’s Hat textual complex managed to create a community of believers who discussed and amplified the narrative, appropriating it and disavowing its original creators. This article proposes to approach Ong’s Hat through Umberto Eco’s semiotics of interpretation, particularly his ideas on textual cooperation between reader and text and, starting from there, the textual strategies through which Ong’s Hat created its Model Readers. For this, concepts linked to transmedia are used, as well as the methodology developed by Margrit Schreier to evaluate how certain texts manage to confuse their readers about their reality status. Keywords: transmedia, interpretation, textual cooperation, textual strategies, Model Reader, BBS, ARG Entire article: https://www.hortussemioticus.ut.ee/hortus-semioticus-9-2022-07/ [PDF of the whole issue] [PDF of article]Ong’s Hat: Abandoned Town or Time Portal?
LP is in Aruba…so Joe Conte keeps his chair warm while KP tells Kahuna and Joe about the mysterious abandoned town of Ong’s Hat, NJ….ghost town, time portal…work of fiction…government cover up??? You tell us when you need to hope off the train…we all know it’s coming. ENJOY!
Page Link: https://player.fm/series/american-loser-podcast/ongs-hat-abandoned-town-or-time-portal
El extraño caso del primer ARG de la historia / Ong’s Hat
EP. 64 | Accidental Tourists: Interdimensional Travellers
Sometimes the fabric of our world thins out, and people slip through – either from another dimension or into one. So some people think, while others claim it happened to them. Come along on a trip through different times and places, visiting 12th century England, 19th century Germany, Spain, Japan, Mormon mythology and, of course, the United States, including Ong’s Hat, New Jersey – site of the very first internet conspiracy theory.
SECTIONS 01:42 – It’s Not Easy Being Green – The Green Children of Woolpit 05:57 – There is No Map, and a Compass Wouldn’t Help at All – Jophar Vorin from Laxaria 09:33 – The Man from Taured & John Zegrus from Negus-Habessian 16:16 – I Wanna be Your Boyfriend – Breaking up is hard to do for Lerina Garcia Gordo 20:43 – Baby, You Can Drive My Car – The “Gadianton” Canyon Incident 25:23 – Pedro Oliva Ramirez tries to get to Alcalá de Guadaír 27:01 – Carol Chase McElheney visits a Bedford Falls version of Riverside 31:03 – “James Richards” mixes Everyday Chemistry 32:13 – You Can Leave Your Hat On – Joseph Matheny, Ong’s Hat and Alternate Reality Games (ARGs) 43:51 – Travelling in other dimensions
Ong’s Hat: The Dimensional City
Diversas teorías pretenden comprobar la idea de que existen numerosas realidades y dimensiones de forma paralela a la nuestra, y que de vez en cuando estas realidades se solapan. Aquí también cabe el concepto de que los viajes interdimensionales son posibles y los portales, algunos abiertos desde hace tiempo, garantizan el acceso a estas realidades. Estos portales pueden resultar aterradores, intrigantes e invariablemente extraños, pero siempre terminan atrapando nuestra imaginación y provocando que nos cuestionemos: ¿si realmente existen estas dimensiones alternas, qué podemos hacer nosotros, simples mortales, para comprobarlo? ✨0:00 PORTAL EN ONG’S HAT HISTORIA REAL SOBRE VIAJES INTERDIMENSIONALES–DOCUMENTAL ESPAÑOL LATINO ✨0:37 LA HISTORIA DE ONG’S HAT ✨1:39 EL LIBRO DE JOSEPH MATHENY ✨2:04 WALI FARD, EL LÍDER ESPIRITUAL ✨3:35 ORIGEN DEL CENTRO ÁSHRAN ✨5:00 FRANK Y ALTHEA DOBBS ✨6:44 INICIO DE LOS EXPERIMENTOS EN EL CENTRO ÁSHRAN ✨7:41 PROYECTO El HUEVO ✨8:25 EL PORTAL ✨9:09 VIAJES INTERDIMENSIONALES ✨10:05 LA MASACRE EN EL CENTRO ÁSHRAN ✨11:18 EL FIN DE LA SECTA ✨12:13 LAS FILTRACIONES EN LA DÉCADA DE 1990 ✨13:07 HISTORIA DE CIENCIA FICCIÓN