Layer 01 Podcast | Episode 06: Ong’s Hat – Liminal Spaces and Legend Tripping

Fray and Kouji return to discuss the first internet ARG known as Ong’s Hat, and its connection with the Legend Tripping Phenomenon, along with the infamous Black Mailbox and other Liminal “Sacred Spaces”. Part 2 in our Exploration of the American Shinto Phenomenon Exploring the Weird. OP Song: They Came From Below – Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio ED Song: Ad Infinitum – Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio


New Jersey has a reputation for being a quirky and unusual place, and there are many bizarre stories that have come out of the state over the years. However, one of the most unusual and intriguing stories involves a small town called Ong’s Hat, located in the southern part of the state.

Où sont passés ces gens disparus à Ong’s Hat ? – Le mystère d’internet qui est allé trop loin


Joseph Matheny dit connaître la vérité sur ce qu’il se passe à Ong’s Hat. Mais il n’est pas celui qu’il prétend être… Chapitrage : 00:0001:42 Les intrus débarquent 01:4304:48 Ong’s Hat 04:4907:49 La création de Ong’s Hat 07:5010:07 Matheny reprend le projet 10:0813:09 La recherche de la vérité 13:1014:00 Abandon du projet 14:01 L’héritage de Ong’s Hat Rejoignez cette chaîne pour bénéficier d’avantages exclusifs :… Acheter mon livre-enquête “France Obscure” :… TIKTOK : INSTAGRAM : TWITTER : Bénéficiez d’1 mois d’utilisation gratuit d’Epidemic Sound, banque de musiques et sons dont je suis ambassadeur, via ce lien : Sources : Vidéo en anglais sur le sujet :… Excellente étude et analyse du cas… Le vrai village abandonné de Ong’s Hat… Un article sur le sujet… Incunabula et Ong’s Hat :… Matheny en parle :… Matheny passe chez Art Bell :…

Also, a John Titor segment t mentioned in the above video

20 Conspiracy Theory Locations To Visit Including One In North Carolina: Ong’s Hat

Ong’s Hat
Location: Pine Barrens, NJ


The Conspiracy: Pine Barrens is a ghost town in NJ. But what makes it so interesting is there is only one building- that would be Ong’s Hat. It is said that the town was bustling in the 1860s. Though it is unknown if there were ever any additional structures. Regardless the town has been documented on maps for years. The conspiracy is that some believe professors at Princeton University used the town to conduct quantum physics experiments. And legend says that they even made a man disappear for 7 minutes and he claims he went to another dimension into another version of Earth.

11th Hour Audio – Creature Feature of the Month – Jacob’s Revenge

Has the oppressive August heat had you pining for the woods? Well, If you take the New Jersey Turnpike to exit four and follow Route 70 east, you will reach Route 72 at Four Mile Circle. If you take the sharp left from the circle you’ll find Ong’s Hat Road and a desolate, murky trail that may lead to Ong’s Hat, an abandoned place with an interdimensional portal hidden deep in the Pine Barrens.

The legend of Ong’s Hat includes tales of arcane texts, jilted lovers, lively watering holes, mad physicists, interdimensional travel, and a gateway to other dimensions.

Join your host, Owen McCuen as he takes you on a mystifying journey into the Pine Barrens and its secrets in Jacob’s Revenge.


Exploring Haunted Locations in the Pines: AMM 002

What’s happening guys! Come join me as o take a trip out to 3 Historic Haunted Pine Barrens locations. Carranza Memorial, Brooksbare Brick Factory and the alleged site of the Ongs Hat Laboratory. Hopefully you guys like and subscribe cause I’d love to have y’all around.

The Creepy Curse of Ong’s Hat Calls: A Haunting Mystery

This is weird. I think the authors of this piece are conflating this interview I did with David Jay Brown and Rebecca Novack with the Ong’s Hat mythos. Oh well. More grist for the rumor mill, I guess.

In the realm of urban legends and Internet folklore, few tales are as unnerving and enigmatic as the “Curse of Ong’s Hat Calls.” This disturbing story, originating from the early days of the internet, has captivated curious minds with its haunting phone calls and eerie connections to an abandoned New Jersey town. In this article, we delve into the chilling details of the Ong’s Hat Calls, exploring its origins, reported experiences, and the enduring mystery that surrounds it.


29.23 – MU Podcast – South Pole Secrets

MU Podcast 29.23 features the Flaming Plasma Fields, Weaponising the Paranormal, and Legend Tripping with Ong’s Hat

Original Post and Audio:

Former military contractors, soldiers, pilots, and more have come forward with shocking claims of Antarctic space weapons facilities, cloaking, and even teleportation technologies that are in the hands of a dark faction hidden from the rest of society. We hear these reports and discuss the possibility that a very real phenomenon is sweeping the globe, and those in power will do anything to keep it hidden from us.