Category Archives: Alternate Reality Game
Mad Tower Radio #8: Pentagon UFOs, Origins of the Rake, & Ong’s Hat, NJ
We cover the new insight on UFO’s given out to the public recently, learn about a popular creepy pasta beast and discover a sweet little spot nestled in southern New Jersey’
Information Golem: New Mini-Series from TOOWi Arts about Joseph Matheny and Origins of the Ong’s Hat ARG
The Origin Story of Joseph Matheny and the Ong’s Hat ARG
Information Golem -Chapter One
INFO An artist struggles to manage the chaos unleashed by the world’s first ARG “Ong’s Hat.” Chapter One – “Born To Be Weird” Books, punk, drugs, HAM radio, and “The family weirdos” inspire Joseph on his way to the mystical encounter that inspired Ong’s Hat. *Listen loudly or with headphones* #1970s, #1980s, #ghoststory, #hamradio, #josephmatheny, #ongshat, #psychedelics, #punkrock, #truestoriesInformation Golem – Chapter Two
INFO Chapter Two – “My Name is Emory” Joseph Matheny gets plugged into California’s countercultural elite and enlists the help of some greats. Steeped in tech, drugs, and San Fran’s rave scene, the project takes off with the 90’s internet boom. True weirdness unfolds when a person claiming to be a character Joseph invented for the Ong’s Hat game appears. *Listen loudly or with headphones* Visit or for more info #josephmatheny, #mysteries, #ongshat, #robertantonwilson, #true, #truemysteryInformation Golem – Bonus Scene
“Super Odds” – Joseph Matheny reflects on “LSD-Day,” a 1993 Bicycle Day celebration where his path crossed with comic book legend Grant Morrison. *Listen loudly or with headphones* More info @ or #bicycleday, #coincidence, #grantmorrison, #josephmatheny, #magick, #supergods, #truemysteryIncydent w Ong’s Hat
Scary Clown Attacks While Weee are Searching for a Portal to Another Dimension – WeeeClown Around
Weee are on a road trip to Ong’s Hat, New Jersey to check out some local legends and mysteries when we are attacked by a Scary Clown. Ong’s Hat is surrounded by multiple legends including one of the oldest legends on the internet. The most intriguing mystery has to do with a mysterious cult, an abandoned town, and a portal to another dimension. Weee are searching for this portal to another dimension when we encounter a creepy clown in the woods. We have to traverse swamp land to get away from this scary clown. Will we also find ourselves lost in this inter-dimensional portal?
This channel and all of its videos are not “directed to children” within the meaning of Title 16 C.F.R. § 312.2 and are not intended for children under 13 years of age. (WeeeClown Around) and its owner(s), agents, representatives, and employees (hereinafter, “CHANNEL”) do not collect any information from children under 13 years of age and expressly deny permission to any third party seeking to collect information from children under 13 years of age on behalf of CHANNEL. Further, CHANNEL denies any and all liability or responsibility for the practices and policies of YouTube and its agents and subsidiaries, or any other affiliated third party, regarding data collection.
Some content on this CHANNEL may be dramatized for entertainment purposes. Viewer discretion is advised.
Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know: The Strange Story of Ong’s Hat
Ong’s Hat FAQ
I have a review/interview section here, but some people have expressed being overwhelmed with the number of links on that page. Admittedly, it is a lot, and I am overwhelmed at the prospect of organizing and categorizing this batch of links. So, until I get around to doing that unenviable organizational grunt work, I have put together a FAQ.
What is Ong’s Hat?
A collection of text, audio, and video pieces about the Ong’s Hat ARG project
Hopefully, this will serve as a quick, easy-to-digest, and concise resource for people who want to know what the Ong’s Hat ARG was. As you might be able to tell, I am tired of talking about, arguing about, and listening to endless speculation about a project I started over 30 years ago and concluded over 20 years ago. I’m on to new projects, and I will no longer conduct interviews about this subject.
Ong’s Hat : Hospital in the Woods
Ong’s Hat , Hospital in the Woods is a prototype for the Game Design and Development Specialization, capstone project.
It includes a main menu, loading screen and a functional horror FPS demo scene.
Enjoy !
More information
Status In development
Platforms Windows, macOS, Linux
Author Earis-X
Tags 3D, Horror
Route 666: Conspiracy Theory Destinations Across America
What is Ong’s Hat?
A collection of text, audio, and video pieces about the Ong’s Hat ARG project
The First Internet Hoax: Inside a Mind
Why Did This Entire Village of Scientists Disappear One Day?
Joseph Matheny Appears on How Conspiracy Theories Become Violent | Truth Hurts | VICE
Did An Alternate Reality Game Gone Wrong Predict The Rise of QAnon?
The Red Pages Podcast: Episode 154: Chatting with Joseph Matheny
ARG Pioneer Joseph Matheny on the Counterculture’s Hijacking from Corporatization to QAnon
Slate-Decoder Ring: The Incunabula Papers
Gizmodo-Ong’s Hat: The Early Internet Conspiracy Game That Got Too Real
Alternate Reality Games | Ong’s Hat | Know Your Meme