Episode 215: Ong’s Hat
Episode 215: Ong’s Hat
Ong’s Hat: COMPLEAT audio sample
FAQ The guide to experiencing this interdisciplinary work.
The guide to experiencing this multidisciplinary work.
Introduction to Ong’s Hat: COMPLEAT
Ong’s Hat: COMPLEAT is a multi-layered work designed to be experienced in various ways, depending on the experiencer’s preferences and level of engagement.
Structure and Components
The work consists of three main elements:
Original Notes: A PDF or EPUB document containing the author’s initial draft, providing background information and links for further research.
Audio Conversations: Chapter-by-chapter discussions between Joseph Matheny and Sequoyah Kennedy, exploring the material in depth.
Transcripts: Written versions of the audio conversations allow readers to listen to or read the discussions. (Coming in print version later this year)
Suggested Approach
While readers are encouraged to engage with the content in any order they prefer, the author recommends the following sequence:
Read the original notes (PDF or EPUB)
Listen to the audio conversation or read the transcript for each chapter
This approach allows readers to first gain a foundational understanding through the notes and then delve deeper into the material through the conversations.
The current format of Ong’s Hat: COMPLEAT evolved from an initial draft created a year prior. After careful consideration, we decided to present the work in its current, multi-format structure rather than as a traditional book.
Readers are invited to explore and enjoy the work in whatever order suits them best.
Initially conceived as a traditional book, this project has evolved into a multifaceted, interdisciplinary work that better reflects the complex ideas it contains. The transformation from a standard book format to a more dynamic, digital-age presentation was necessary to fully capture the essence of the concepts explored.
Ong’s Hat: COMPLEAT is a comprehensive exploration of key periods in the author’s life. It focuses on developing the Ong’s Hat hyper sigil and interactions with various disembodied intelligences. The project is a collaboration between the author and Sequoyah Kennedy, co-host and producer of the Nonsense Bazaar podcast.
The project consists of several components:
The audiobook features music, sounds, and atmosphere created by Polypores (Stephen James Buckley), a multi-talented artist. Polypores’ work can be found on various platforms:
This interdisciplinary work can be viewed as a comprehensive scrapbook covering a specific project, its development period, and the people, places, and things connected to it. The extensive audio content and detailed notes provide the audience a rich, immersive experience.
This narrative unveils the previously undisclosed origins of Ong’s Hat, the Infinite Game, and the Proto-Alternate Reality Game (ARG). It’s a tale that intertwines early AI, paranormal encounters, emergent phenomena, and the nascent Internet culture of the late 1980s and early 1990s. The story is a rich tapestry woven from diverse cultural threads:
This narrative is a modern spiritual quest, blending these eclectic elements into a compelling journey.
This story is a multidisciplinary work.
Dějištěm tohoto příběhu je město duchů Ong’s Hat, pouhá skvrna na mapě a jedna z mnoha opuštěných starých vesnic rozesetých po odlehlých borových hájích v americkém státě New Jersey. Městečko údajně získalo své jméno od muže jménem Ong, který kdysi ze zklamání odhodil svůj luxusní hedvábný klobouk, když na něj žárlivý milenec ženy, s níž měl poměr, dupl, načež se zasekl na větvi borovice, a údajně začínalo jako jediná chýše. Do 60. let 19. století se prý vesnice rozrostla v poměrně živé městečko známé pašováním a dodávkami alkoholu do vzdálených oblastí. V následujících letech však město dramaticky upadalo a ve 30. letech 20. století bylo téměř opuštěné, i když se stále objevovalo na mapách; v dnešní době jsou z něj jen divoké, plevelem zarostlé ruiny, rozpadající se budovy a prázdné pozemky.